Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Web Content Post 3

This video talks about the initiative to return to the moon and by 2017 begin to establish a permanent manned base as a launching point for trips further into the solar system. The program would allow scientists to develop ways to live in space for longer periods of time. These methods can then be applied to other more advanced missions. Much of the video gives a layout of step by step how the trip to the moon would hypothetically have to be accomplished.

The video which was made in 2007 was obviously created before the Great Recession prior to which the trip was economically feasible. However when Obama took office he cancled the project. The video does however give an idea of how excited scientists and the public were for a return trip. Since this video scientific advancements have been made which could have contibuted to the mission.

Web Content Post 2

This video talks about the end of the space shuttle program and the future of space travel. Much of the video is computer generated footage about the new Lockheed Martin Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle. The narrator goes on to describe how the Orion Crew Vehicle will make great strides for human space exploration such as allowing for a trip to Mars. The video goes as far as to talk about how safe the Orion is in comparison the the shuttle.

The video made by Lockheed Martin is extremely biased towards their craft. Granted some of the advancements they have made are impressive the video mentions none of the potential problems with the craft. It only lists off how good the performance is and how safe it is. The video is comparable to a advertisement for a new car.

Web Content Post 1

This video gives the best ways to terraform mars in terms of economic cost. Since it is not possible to bring everything from earth the help thicken the atmosphere it'd be necessary to use the preexisting CO2 that is trapped in the martian surface. Michio Kaku presented ideas on how to jump start the release of CO2 using large sources of energy such as nuclear bombs to raise the temperature and release more CO2 in a cycle just like we have on earth.

This video fits the narrower end of my project funnel very well. Even though hypothetical the ideas given are generally accepted. Michio Kaku is a well known physicist and is greatly involved in the scientific community so his input and endorsement on the topic contribute to the credibility of what he is saying.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Capstone Source 10

The article talks about how NASA is trying to sell off their shuttle facilities to private companies. Companies such as space X and the United Launch Alliance.

This contibutes to the privitization of space exploration which can be benefitial. Space X and other companies will have an easier time starting out as they can learn from NASA's mistakes and reuse some of the foundations NASA laid.

Matthews, Mark K. "NASA Races to Find Tenants for Vacant Shuttle Facilities." Orlando Sentinel. 08 Apr. 2012. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. <>.

Capstone Source 9

This article talks about the upcome Space X launch which will deliver cargo to the International Space Station. The launch will be the first privatly operated.

The operation of a privatly owned flight to the ISS is good for the future of space exploration. Private markets will have more incentive to put money into new technology, which will even further our ability to explore.

Ray, Justin. "Spaceflight Now | Atlas Launch Report | A May Launching Now Planned for next Atlas 5." Spaceflight Now. 8 Apr. 2012. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. <>.

Capstone Source 8

This page talks about the Falcon 1 which is a relativly small rocket capable of reaching orbit. It is the cheapest means of getting an object into orbit but not the most efficient.

The article distcusses how the Falcon 1 is useful for getting objects into orbit due to it's relativly low cost. The lower cost however comes at the price of a smaller payload.

"Falcon 1 Overview." Space Exploration Technologies Corporation. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. <>.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Capstone Source 7

The article talks about Space X's Falcon Heavy, using comparisons to older rockets the article describes how the Falcon Heavy will have a capacity that far exceeds that of previous generations of rockets.
The article is on Space X's website and talks about their design so it is likely that any flaws with it will be downplayed. However even if there are some minor flaws they will likely be worked out and the capabilities of the rocket will greatly contribute to space exploration.
"Falcon Heavy Overview." Space Exploration Technologies Corporation. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. <>.

Capstone Source 6

Keller, Jared. "Why Space Exploration Is a Job for Humans." The Atlantic. 04 Apr. 2012. Web. 08 Apr. 2012. <>.
In the article the author talks about the importance of having human space exploration, rather than robotic. He elaborates on the point that since Rovers only send back a limited amount of data. It would be better for an astronaut to go and bring back samples which could be further examined back on earth.

Capstone Source 5

Szondy, David. "SpaceX Dragon's Ultimate Mission Is Mars Colonization." Gizmag. 5 Feb. 2012. Web. 08 Apr. 2012. <>.

This article talks about how it would be possible to make mars livable and begin colonization, it does a great job of summarizing information about how to colonize mars

Capstone Source 4

Zubrin, Robert. "The Economic Viability of Mars Colonization." Anders Sandberg's Web. Lockheed Martin Astonautics. Web. 08 Apr. 2012. <>.

The article talks about Space X's new Dragon  capsule.  It explains that the Dragon will be capable of a Mars landing in the future and that since the Dragon is reusable it will be a good option for transferring materials and people.

Capstone Source 3

 Street, Jonathan. "Jonathan Street's Method." - Article. 10 Aug. 2003. Web. 08 Apr. 2012. <>.

This article talks about the positive aspects of  terraforming Mars, it also talks about the issues we'd face in creating a more habitable environment and a concept for how to create one.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Capstone: Source 2

Njølstad, Olav. " ." 19 June 2003. Web. 28 Mar. 2012.

This is an article which both gives an overview on the development of nuclear weapons aswell as the arms race which spurred their advancement. It also related to the state of nuclear weapons today informing of the many treaties and bans.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Capstone : Source 1

"Obama Pledges Nuclear Cuts, Warns North Korea and Iran." The Times of India. 26 Mar. 2012. Web. 26 Mar. 2012.
The article told about talks between Russia and the United States about further reduceing the stockpiles of Plutonium which could have been used to build as many as 17000 nuclear bombs. The article also informed that North Korea has announced that it well be testing a rocket which is speculated to be capable of delivering a long range nuclear payload.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Article Post 2

A review by the Washington post states that the book does a good job exposing the harmful effects of the chemicals being absorbed by our bodies. The review also includes that this book is a step in the right direction for consumer safety and awareness toward what is in the products we buy.

Slow Death by Rubber Duck is a book that brings us back to reality. Without books like this the truth about harmful chemicals is kept from the public by the chemical companies which claim their products are safe. I think that the author did the public a service by doing the experiments and reseach in order to bring valid evidence about the chemicals. By raising awareness over the dangers of chemicals in everyday life there is hope that consumer guidelines will be more strict and allow for a safer environment in which children can grow up free of side effects from chemical body burden.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chapter 3 of Slow Death by Rubber Duck talked about PFCs, where they could be found in our life, and waht side effects they have on our lievs. A passage that put the issue in perspective is on the bottom of page 75, " The real story of Parkersbrug is not about a single contaminated farm it's about widespread chemical contamination in the local watershed." The passage makes clear taht chemical contaminants are not a isolated issue but are widespread and affect. The book itself was okay, not something I'd pick up and read or even read the whole thing. The issue which the book discibes however is both interesting and frightning.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Cross Reference

In order to determine whether or not Slow Death by Rubber Duck is a book with valid science I am going to read a lot of the reactions given on amazon, as well as try to find a credible source of review with a science background.

The general consensus based on reader reviews states that Slow Death by Rubber Duck is thought provoking and raises awareness over the dangers of the chemicals in our daily lives. Readers are impressed and appalled by the fact that so many household items which they had considered "safe" were actually the causing long term health issues. They also say that the book makes clear that the chemical companies have a large amount of misinformation.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Model Capstone (Environment)

It has been hard not to notice the issues in the environment while growing up. From a very young age the concept of recycling and not wasting has been drilled constantly. The fact that the environment was discussed so much along with our upbringing this generation is very capable of understanding our place in the environment and how we impact it. The media we've been exposed to has also had a large impact on our understanding, movies like Bio Dome, and The Day After Tomorrow really showcase the importance of taking care of the environment. Even though I personally don't understand all the factors for each issue it has been plain to see that polution and littering have negative impacts. Even though many of us haven't experience first hand the effects of polution, it is possible to imagine what it would be like to be on a secluded beach and then minutes later a giant ball of trash washes ashore.