Monday, March 26, 2012

Capstone : Source 1

"Obama Pledges Nuclear Cuts, Warns North Korea and Iran." The Times of India. 26 Mar. 2012. Web. 26 Mar. 2012.
The article told about talks between Russia and the United States about further reduceing the stockpiles of Plutonium which could have been used to build as many as 17000 nuclear bombs. The article also informed that North Korea has announced that it well be testing a rocket which is speculated to be capable of delivering a long range nuclear payload.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Article Post 2

A review by the Washington post states that the book does a good job exposing the harmful effects of the chemicals being absorbed by our bodies. The review also includes that this book is a step in the right direction for consumer safety and awareness toward what is in the products we buy.

Slow Death by Rubber Duck is a book that brings us back to reality. Without books like this the truth about harmful chemicals is kept from the public by the chemical companies which claim their products are safe. I think that the author did the public a service by doing the experiments and reseach in order to bring valid evidence about the chemicals. By raising awareness over the dangers of chemicals in everyday life there is hope that consumer guidelines will be more strict and allow for a safer environment in which children can grow up free of side effects from chemical body burden.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chapter 3 of Slow Death by Rubber Duck talked about PFCs, where they could be found in our life, and waht side effects they have on our lievs. A passage that put the issue in perspective is on the bottom of page 75, " The real story of Parkersbrug is not about a single contaminated farm it's about widespread chemical contamination in the local watershed." The passage makes clear taht chemical contaminants are not a isolated issue but are widespread and affect. The book itself was okay, not something I'd pick up and read or even read the whole thing. The issue which the book discibes however is both interesting and frightning.